AuthorTitleJournal / Conference
Marcela T. de Oliveira, Hai-Van Dang, Lúcio H. A. Reis, Henk A. Marquering, Sílvia D. OlabarriagaAC-AC: Dynamic revocable access control for acute care teams to access medical recordsIn Smart Health, Volume 20, April 2021
Platt M, Hasselgren A, Román-Belmonte JM, Tuler de Oliveira M, De la
Corte-Rodríguez H, Delgado Olabarriaga S, Rodríguez-Merchán EC,
Mackey TK
Test, Trace, and Put on the Blockchain?: A Viewpoint Evaluating the Use of Decentralized Systems for Algorithmic Contact Tracing to Combat a Global PandemicIn JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, Vol 7, No 4 (2021), 6 April 2021
T. Chomutare et al.Healthcare and data privacy requirements for e-health cloud: A qualitative analysis of clinician perspectivesIEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HEALTHCOM), 2021, March 2021
Bakas, A., Michalas, A.Multi-input Functional Encryption: Efficient Applications from Symmetric Primitives19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2020), December 29, 2020 - January 1, 2021
James Des Lauriers, Tamas Kiss, Resmi C. Ariyattu, Hai‐Van Dang, Amjad Ullah, James Bowden, Dagmar Krefting, Gabriele Pierantoni, Gabor TerstyanszkyCloud apps to‐go: Cloud portability with TOSCA and MiCADOin Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 29 November 2020
Alexandros Bakas, Antonis Michalas, and Amjad Ullah(F)unctional Sifting: A Privacy-Preserving Reputation System Through Multi-Input Functional Encryption25th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec 2020), 23 – 24 November, 2020
A. Bakas, H. -V. Dang, A. Michalas and A. ZalitkoThe Cloud we Share: Access Control on Symmetrically Encrypted Data in Untrusted CloudsIn IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 210462-210477, 2020, 17 November 2020
Hai-Van Dang, Amjad Ullah, Alexandros Bakas, and Antonis MichalasAttribute-Based Symmetric Searchable Encryption2nd Workshop on Cloud Security and Privacy (Cloud S&P) in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS’20), 19 – 22 October, 2020
Krefting, D., Bowden, J., Michalas, A., Yitbarek Yigzaw, K., Y., Kiss, T., Penzel, T., Olabarriaga, S., D., Tuler de Oliveira, M., Verginadis, Y.ASCLEPIOS: Sharing and Analysing Healthcare Data in the Cloud with New Cryptographic Methods65th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), Meeting of the Central European Network (CEN: German Region, Austro-Swiss Region and Polish Region) of the International Biometric Society (IBS), September 6-9, 2020
Evgenia Psarra, Ioannis Patiniotakis,
Yiannis Verginadis, Dimitris Apostolou and Gregoris Mentzas
Securing Access to Healthcare Data with Context-aware PoliciesThe 11th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications,15 – 17 July, 2020, Piraeus, Greece
Michalas, A., & Bakas, A. Power Range: Forward Private Multi-Client Symmetric Searchable Encryption with Range Queries Support. In The 25th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ISCC’20), 8 – 10 July, 2020, Rennes, France
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw, Andrius Budrionis, Luis Marco-Ruiz, Torje Dahle Henriksen, Peder A. Halvorsen & Johan Gustav BellikaPrivacy-preserving architecture for providing feedback to clinicians on their clinical performanceIn BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 22 June 2020
Marcela T. de Oliveira, Lúcio H.A. Reis, Dianne S.V. Medeiros, Ricardo C. Carrano, Sílvia D. Olabarriaga, Diogo M.F. MattosBlockchain reputation-based consensus: A scalable and resilient mechanism for distributed mistrusting applicationsIn Computer Networks, Volume 179, 2020, 12 June 2020
Kovacs, J., Kiss, T., Taylor, S.J.E., Farkas, A, Anagnostou, A., Pattison, G, Emodi, M, Kite, S., Petry, J, Snookes, G, Kacsuk, P. and Lovas, R.Industry Simulation Gateway on a Scalable Cloud12th International Workshop on Science Gateways. On-line 10 - 11 Jun 2020 CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 10 – 11 June 2020
Kiss, T., Bolotov, A., Pierantoni, G., Deslauriers, J., MOSA, A., Kagialis, D., Terstyanszky, G. and Chan You Fee, D.Science Gateways with Embedded Ontology-based E-learning Support12th International Workshop on Science Gateways. On-line 10 - 11 Jun 2020 CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 10 – 11 June 2020
Evgenia Psarra, Yiannis Verginadis, Ioannis Patiniotakis, Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas A context-aware security model for a combination of attribute-based access control and attribute-based encryption in the healthcare domain Multi-Clouds and Mobile Edge Computing (M2EC), In conjunction with the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2020), April 15–17, 2020 in Caserta, Italy
T. Tervoort, M. T. De Oliveira, W. Pieters, P. Van Gelder, S. D. Olabarriaga
and H. Marquering
Solutions for Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks Caused by Legacy Software in Medical Devices: A Scoping ReviewIn IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 84352-84361, 2020, 30 March 2020
Marcela T. de Oliveira, Alexandros Bakas, Eugene Frimpong, Adrien E. D. Groot, Henk A. Marquering, Antonis Michalas & Silvia D. OlabarriagaA Break-Glass Protocol based on Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption to Access Medical Records in the CloudJournal of Annals of Telecommunications, Springer, 7 March 2020
Jansen, C., Penzel, T., Hodel, S., Breuer, S., Spott, M., & Krefting, D.Network physiology in insomnia patients: Assessment of relevant changes in network topology with interpretable machine learning modelsIn Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29(12), 123129, 19 December 2019
Michalas, Antonis, Alexandros Bakas, Hai-Van DangMicroSCOPE: Enabling Access Control in Searchable Encryption with the use of Attribute-based Encryption and SGX.NordSec 2019,
The 24th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems,
November 18-20,
Medina, Jorge, Nicolae Paladi, and Patrik Arlos.Protecting OpenFlow using Intel SGXIEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks
12-14 November 2019, Dallas, Texas, USA
Michalas, Antonis, Alexandros Bakas, Hai-Van Dang, and Alexandr Zalitko.ABSTRACT: Access Control in Searchable Encryption with the use of Attribute-Based Encryption and SGXShort paper accepted at CCSW'19, 11 November 2019
Alexandros Bakas and Antonis MichalasModern Family: A Revocable Hybrid Encryption Scheme Based on Attribute-Based Encryption, Symmetric Searchable Encryption and SGXSecureComm’19, 23-25 October in Orlando
Marcela Tuler de Oliveira, Antonis Michalas, Adrien E. D. Groot, Henk A. Marquering and Silvia Olabarriaga.Red Alert: Break-Glass Protocol to Access Encrypted Medical Records in the Cloud”.Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services, October 14 - 16, 2019, Bogota, Colombia.
Paladi, N., Svenningsson, J., Medina, J., & Arlos, P.Protecting OpenFlow Flow Tables with Intel SGX.In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos (pp. 146-147), 19 August 2019
Alexandros Bakas and Antonis MichalasMulti-Client Symmetric Searchable Encryption with Forward PrivacyTechnical Report, July 2019
Pierantoni, G., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Dang, H., Delgado Olabarriaga, S., Tuler de Olivera, M., Yigzaw, K. Y., Belika, J. G., Krefting, D. and Penzel, T.A Secure Cloud-based Platform to Host Healthcare Applications 11th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2019. Ljubljana, Slovenia 12 - 14 June 2019
Antonis MichalasThe Lord of Shares: Combining Attribute-Based Encryption and Searchable Encryption for Flexible Data SharingIn Proceedings of the 34th AMC/SIGAPP Simposium On Applied Computing (SAC). Limassol, Cyprus, April 08-12, 2019