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What is the current situation?
With the existing protocols, Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) are responsible for both encrypting and storing the data, which makes them a high-value target for hackers, and also, if the fact that the key is known to the cloud service provider raises a data privacy issue.
What ASCLEPIOS offers
ASCLEPIOS addresses these challenges and provides a cloud-based eHealth framework that protects users’ data, enhances privacy, and maximizes and fortifies users’ trust in cloud-based healthcare services.
The core idea of ASCLEPIOS evolves around main axes:
- Allow cloud-based health services to preserve users’ privacy without sacrificing functionality.
- Offer a novel solution through which healthcare practitioners and medical researchers can calculate medical data statistics in a privacy-preserving manner.
- Give users the ability to verify medical devices’ integrity before using them and receive certain guarantees about their cloud service provider’s trustworthiness.
How it works
While researchers have developed many theoretical models that could enhance healthcare services’ security level, only a rudimentary set of techniques are currently in use. ASCLEPIOS addresses these limitations by utilizing several modern cryptographic approaches to build a cloud-based eHealth framework that protects users’ privacy and prevents both internal and external attacks. ASCLEPIOS provides a policy-based access control mechanism (Attribute-based Access Control – ABAC) used to protect both healthcare applications and the data and allow the support and easy execution of complex scenarios for accessing medical data. It also provides out of the box Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) that is an ideal scheme for securely sharing medical data. In addition, an innovative key sharing mechanism that uses Attribute-based Encryption (ABE) encryption allows the sharing of SSE keys based on policies and the attributes of users, thus making easier the usage of SSE in real-life situations. Furthermore, statistical analysis over the encrypted data can be performed by utilizing the Functional Encryption (FE) is provided through the ASCLEPIOS platform.
Finally, ASCLEPIOS includes analytics tools (CEAA and APAM) that provide the organization’s administrators and Data Protection Officers (DPO) valuable insights about the platform’s usage and access to data.
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Icons that appear in the ASCLEPIOS Platform diagram made by FlatIcons, DinosoftLabs and Freepik from