ASCLEPIOS in the National Ambulance Magazine – March 2022

The ASCLEPIOS Acute Stroke Care demonstrator provided by the Amsterdam UMC  is featured in the March’s 2022 issue of the National Ambulance Magazine.

The print magazine is published by the Dutch National Nurses Professional Union / V&VN and offered a great opportunity to share through this note a glimpse of the ASCLEPIOS vision with the medical community! The next edition of the magazine (June 2022), will include an extended article on ASCLEPIOS.  

You can find below the English version of the note:

Secure sharing of medical information with ASCLEPIOS

Decisions made during acute care can have a significant impact on patient outcomes. Because accessing the correct patient information at the right time and for the right people is critical. Despite all the visible progress in the field of digitization and communication, there are, unfortunately, still many obstacles today. For example, data security and patient privacy hinder the sharing of information between the various organizations involved in acute care.

The Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC), location AMC, participates in the European project ASCLEPIOS (, which tries to remove such obstacles. The project has developed new cybersecurity technology that can help secure data to ensure patient privacy while unlocking the data for healthcare providers when and where it is needed.

To illustrate the possibilities of this technology, an application is currently being developed based on the case of an acute stroke. See:

In the next issue, we will discuss the technology behind ASCLEPIOS and the system’s possibilities in practice in more detail.