The paper titled “Healthcare and data privacy requirements for e-health cloud: a qualitative analysis of clinician perspectives” was presented at the IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (IEEE HealthCom 2021).
At the conference, Dr. Taridzo Chomutare (NSE) presented the results of the survey conducted on clinicians in Norway, the Netherlands and Germany. The survey gathered the perspectives of clinicians regarding requirements for e-health cloud (Figure 1). We used qualitative methods to compare their perspectives with the regulatory framework in Europe (the GDPR) and best practice guidelines prescribed by ISO (ISO 18308:2011). The surveyed clinicians had above-average self-rated knowledge of GDPR and this was reflected in their responses. However, the survey uncovered concerning deficits in access control measures at the smaller healthcare institutions.
About IEEE HealthCom
IEEE HealthCom has a focus on electronic systems for solving important healthcare challenges, and has been running for more than twenty years. The conference is an important meeting point for researchers in the field, and a valuable dissemination channel since published papers are peer-reviewed and indexed by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The conference was postponed from 2020 to 1-2 March 2021 and subsequently moved online because of the Covid-19 pandemic.