Special track on “Security of e-Health Systems and Connected Medical Devices” at IEEE CBMS 2021 – Call for Papers

We are happy to announce the special track on “Security of e-Health Systems and Connected Medical Devices” of the 34th IEEE Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) conference that will take place on 7-9 June 2021 in Aveiro, Portugal: https://cbms2021.web.ua.pt/st-security/

This special track invites contributions related to the security and resilience of smart health infrastructures that consider smart devices and systems, information security, medical devices security and interconnectivity, as well as usable and cost-effective solutions that promote resilience and fast recovery in case of incidents.

We welcome 6-page paper submissions through Easychair by February 5th, 2021: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cbms2021

This special track is a joint effort of ASCLEPIOS and SAFECARE projects.

We look forward to your contributions!