ASCLEPIOS @NordSec 2020 on 23rd-24th November 2020

Alexandros Bakas (Tampere University of Technology, FIN) and Amjad Ullah (University of Westminster, UK) presented the paper “(F)untional Sifting: A Privacy-Preserving Reputation System Through Multi-Input Functional Encryption?” that they co-authored along with Antonis Michalas at the 25th Nordic Conference on Secure IT systems (NordSec). This year, NordSec took place virtually on November 23-24. In the work presented at the conference, the authors propose a novel Functional Encryption scheme. Using this scheme in the ASCLEPIOS framework, would allow a cloud provider to release statistics about medical records in a privacy-preserving way. NordSec is an annual research conference series that has been running since 1996. The NordSec conferences address a broad range of topics on IT security. The events bring together security researchers from the Nordic countries, Northern Europe, and beyond. In addition to being venue for academic publishing, NordSec is an important meeting place for university faculty, students, and industry experts from the region. The proceedings consist of peer-reviewed articles and are published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. You can find more information about NordSec 2020 in the official website.