A presentation of the main aspects of ASCLEPIOS security services and panel discussion with top executives from the cloud and cybersecurity industry took place in the 5th ICT Security World 2019 at 14 November 2019. The presentation was held by Dr. Yiannis Verginadis (Institute of Communications and Computer Systems) in Greek language and focused, among others, on the security challenges in cloud-based healthcare applications, while it analysed the main aspects of the ASCLEPIOS authorisation (based on the combination of ABAC and ABE paradigms). The audience (>200 people) included among others: representatives from the cloud computing industry, CEOs and CTOs from the top cybersecurity-focused Greek SMEs and General Secretaries from the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance. The presentation attracted significant positive comments for the potential impact of ASCLEPIOS.
ICT Security World is an annual event with a business orientation through a technological and scientific view, attracting the interest of a wide audience from the fields of informatics and business management in the public and private sector as well as in the banking industry. It has become a meeting point for CTOs, CFOs, CIOs, ICT Managers & Administrators, Security Managers and Auditors, who take the opportunity to get informed and exchange views on the latest developments.